Urinary excretion of selegiline N-oxide, a new indicator
for selegiline administration in man

Katagi M, Tatsuno M, Tsutsumi H, Miki A, Kamata T,
Nishioka H, Nakajima K, Nishikawa M, Tsuchihashi H.
Forensic Science Laboratory,
Osaka Prefectural Police HQ,
1-3-18, Hommachi, Chuoku,
Osaka 541-0053, Japan.
Xenobiotica 2002 Sep;32(9):823-31


The metabolism of selegiline (SG) has been studied by investigating the timecourse of urinary excretion of SG and its metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization#10; mass spectrometry (LC-ESI MS) in combination with solid-phase extraction. 2. The excretion profiles of SG and its four major metabolites, selegiline-N-oxide (SGO), N-desmethylselegiline#10; (DM-SG), methamphetamine (MA) and amphetamine (AP), were investigated in six healthy volunteers after oral administrations of SG hydrochloride in a single dose of 2.5 or 7.5mg, and a repeat twice-daily#10; dose of 5.0 mg day(-1) (for 3 days). 3. The cumulative amount of SGO excreted within approximately the first 8-12h was comparable with MA, and the amount in the first 72 h was 2.0-7.8 times#10; larger (2.8-13.2% of the dose) than that of DM-SG. 4. These results demonstrate that SGO can be used in place of DM-SG, which is known to be a main specific metabolite of SG, as a new indicator for#10; the discrimination of SG use compared with MA abuse.

Methamphetamine test

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